If you haven't read New York Magazine's story on JT LeRoy, go do it now!
Who Is The Real JT LeRoy?
I'm not sure what to think. I'm fascinated. I've read everything ever published under the name "JT LeRoy" and I've loved most of it. I've read about the various conspiracy theories. I've heard that people think he might be Dennis Cooper or Lou Reed or even a group of the celebrities and literati he surrounds himself with. Whoever JT LeRoy really is, they are a PR genius. The mystery is almost definitely more interesting than the truth could possibly be. It adds a disturbing twist to an already twisted and disturbing story. His next novel is gonna sell bazillions!
I'm with you on that...
LeRoy's a genius, whoever the fuck 'he' is!
Let's pray we never resolve this question. Much more interesting that way.
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